Alpago Novello, Mussner, Tonello, Giarretta, Modolo, Celato...

Architects, artists, painters, sculptors and craftsmen worked the stone, wood, metal and glass...
Artifacts to commemorate, to pity and to remember a generation lost in their prime:
The Boys of ‘99.
Yesterday feared, today silent witnesses...

The old cannons, silent at last, now defend only remembrance. The Our Lady of the Piave shrine. This votive chapel and monument plays a highly significant symbolic role in commemorating the sacrifice of the “Boys of 99”: called to fight at just 18 years old.

1. Barbed wire netting, a symbol of war, broken apart by an olive tree, a symbol of peace.
2. "Vita per la pace" 1991
3. "Santa Barbara" 2002
4. "Fiaccola con braciere" 2002